Reparative Justice
The image of justice as being blind is one that speaks to the impartiality of justice. True justice seeks to level the playing field and is often punitive in nature. That is to say, justice identifies where an individual has broken the laws we all follow and acts accordingly to punish them. Alternatively, justice recognizes where one person was wronged and takes steps to make them whole again.
It’s this second function that reparative justice focuses on. In the context of social justice, the term “reparative justice” refers specifically to a framework in which we can address long-standing abuses and institutionalized policies that have impacted entire communities. Drawing its name from the word “repair,” this form of justice seeks to restore not just individuals but entire groups of people.
The focus in reparative justice is on the damage done by centuries of history that have negatively impacted our fellow Americans, from the terrors of slavery and colonization to the modern struggles against mass incarceration and institutionalized racism. While some of these injuries can never be fully healed, the communities that still suffer under them can be made whole in order to work toward true equality, inclusivity, and justice.
Healing the injustices of the past in order to build toward a more equal future lies at the heart of reparative justice, and the world is taking notice. From large corporations to people like you, many are working to be proactive and take part in building a better tomorrow. You can be a part of this positive change by donating to The Fair Fight Initiative.
Your money will not only go to help your neighbors whose communities are being torn apart by the wheels of injustice but will also help fund Fair Fight’s mission to level the playing field of American justice. Your donations will help us:
- Advance reforms that will create equality and racial justice
- Provide legal defenses for the most vulnerable and those held back by a flawed legal system
- Offer legal aid for families seeking justice after losing loved ones in jails, prisons, and police custody
- Raise awareness of the massive inequities in the legal system as well as the system practices that lead to mass incarceration
- Build alliances with an array of communities to hold the powerful accountable, be they law enforcement, public institutions, government entities, or government officials
All of these methods are the means to an end, and that end is a society where laws are upheld and enforced in a manner that ensures equality regardless of race, creed, conviction, or political preferences.
Please join our fight towards repair and reconciliation by making a tax-detectable donation online or by mailing a check below.
Fair Fight Initiative
410 E Bay St.
Savannah, Georgia
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